Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Hiking Bryce Canyon (Post # 41)

July 31
Our last time at Bryce Canyon, Utah, we did not get a chance to hike down into the canyon.  I told Paul before we left that I wanted to come back here and next time hike down.  I guess you could say it was on my bucket list.  Well, that "next time" came today! This morning we were at the shuttle stop at Ruby's Inn Campground to catch the bus that would take us into Bryce National Park.  I think this might be my favorite national park.  

 Absolutely amazing! 
 We started our hike at Sunset Point and took the Navajo Trail down into the canyon, about three quarters of a mile down.

 We hiked down (and I do mean down) the Navajo Trail to Queen's Garden and on to Sunrise Point.

This little guy was sitting on a boulder just before we got to Queen's Garden.  He had obviously been fed by other hikers because he was not afraid at all.  He just sat on the rock and looked like he was posing for anyone who wanted to take his picture, and many people did just that. He had a buddy too, but he wasn't as used to people as this on.

I'm about half way down the Navajo Trail in the picture to the right.  I'm in the middle of the picture by a tree with a burgundy shirt on.

 We stopped for a break after about an hour and had our breakfast on the trail.  The picture above is our view from where we ate.  

 The columns standing all alone are called hoodoos. 

I know these are a lot of pictures, and Paul has put a lot on the More Photos link, too.  This place is just so beautiful and so special that it is hard to capture it all.  But we tried. We hiked about four miles, and I am tired.  But I'm so thankful that we were able to do it.   
This afternoon we're taking a tour bus around the park to most of the overlooks.  
So, more pictures of Bryce to come!

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