Saturday, July 28, 2018

Prince George to McLure, BC (Post # 35)

July 23
The countryside continues to be more ranch and farm like, but it seems there's always a few mountains off in the background, at least for the most part.  You can see them in some of the pictures below and in some you can't.  

I'd surely like to find a gold nugget this big!

There are a lot of logging companies through here. 

I'm not sure if this is a replica of an old mill or if it was actually working at one time.

This reminds me of Daddy's farm. (Except for the mountain in the background.)

Just look at this old barn!  I would love to fix it up for someone to live in!

We needed a diversion on today's drive--somewhere that took us off the main road just a little. We were looking another quilt/yarn store!  Yes, I said ANOTHER one!  We found the shop but no yarn or fabric I wanted.  I know!  Shocker, right?  But we did see these works of art at Williams Lake, BC.


Are you tired of old barns, yet?  I hope not because there are more to come.

Our stop for tonight, Pine Grove Campground, in McLure, BC.  
No river tonight.  Just lots of pine trees.

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