Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Homer Spit to Palmer to Valdez (Post # 27)

July 10-11
It was still cloudy, windy, and cold when we left Homer Spit, but this place is so beautiful no matter what the weather.  We could stay here a LONG time, but there are other places to go and see so we must be on our way.

One last look of the view out the front of the RV. 
And from behind the RV.  See what I mean when I said we could stay longer?  So beautiful! 
We took a drive down the rest of the road to the very end.  We walked almost all of it when we walked to Captain Pattie's for lunch!    

Here's what's at the end of the road.  Appropriate, huh?

The road from Seward to Anchorage.  

We stopped in Anchorage before driving on to Palmer for the night to see a chiropractor there.  My doctor looked up one for me in the Anchorage area before we left home so I could get an appointment if I needed to. I usually go to my doctor every four weeks, and it's been six weeks now.  Thank you, Courtney, for recommending Dr. Mulholland.  And, by the way, if you need an excellent chiropractor, I highly recommend Courtney Whitehurst, Active Health, in Chocowinity. She is excellent!

This is our camping spot in Palmer.  
Big Bear. 

It was still cloudy this morning when we left Palmer for the drive to Valdez.  It has also rained off and on today, but we were thankful when the sun broke through the clouds.
More road construction.

We drove down to get a closer look at Matanuska Glacier and met this RV coming back up.
 Look at the drop off! This guy expected us to go around him at a narrow place in the road.  He finally backed up to a spot that was wide enough for us to get by.

And then we had to cross this rickety bridge . . . 
. . . with this raging water below us! 
But the glacier was beautiful! 

The glaciers you'll see in these next photos are closer to Valdez.  We'll see these again tomorrow when we do a boat excursion. 

Look how blue this one is!  That's what makes the water so blue.   
And such beautiful waterfalls! 

Bridal Veil Falls 

Horsetail Falls
Still cloudy and cold here.  It is 58 degrees right now, and it is supposed to get down to 48 tonight.  
Hopefully tomorrow will be sunny, but if it isn't we'll still enjoy our day on the water around Valdez.  Maybe tomorrow's blog post will have pictures of WHALES!

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