Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept 8

 September 8, 2020

We are so thankful to be able to finally be on the road again after so much time of "stay in place".  We left early, as usual, because we are always so eager to be on the road.  Our first stop was for fuel at our usual Exit 208 and the Piedmont-Triad Farmers' Market. It was a beautiful day with low temps and a cool breeze to walk the market for some much needed exercise.  I always love to look at the plants, flowers, and vegetables even if I don't buy anything. 

Victory in Jesus!!  Yes, there is!

I love barn quilts!

Mouth of Wilson is the home of Bonnie Hunter's Quiltville Inn.  Since we were going to be so close, I had to come take a look.  I participated in her Unity Quilt Along during the "stay in place" time earlier this year. 

Bonnie calls this little building the Quiltville Post Office.  It used to be one a long time ago, but now it houses her quilting studio.
Quiltville Inn!  Bonnie and her husband have worked hard restoring this place to host quilt retreats.  

Bonnie was actually working in her studio and came out to chat (social distancing, of course).  I brought her a little gift of a couple of knitted dishcloths.  

Front Porch

Back Porch!  Wow!  Now that's a porch!

More barn quilts along the way as we drove to Grayson Highlands State Park.  We stopped at a picnic area there and ate lunch in the RV.  Then we hiked the Rhododendron Trail to hopefully see some of the wild ponies there.

Here they are!

Beautiful country!

Our first night's stay is in Grindstone National Park around Troutdale, VA.

Quiet and peaceful, just like we like.  A very good first day.

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