Saturday, September 19, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 19

September 19, 2020

Drive from Guernsey State Park, WY, to Cody, WY

Yes, it was very dark when we left Guernsey this morning.  We had some errands we needed to do in Cody before checked into Buffalo Bill State Park, so we wanted to get an early start.   A lot of state parks do not have full hook-ups so that means you have to go to their dump station to empty the tanks on the RV.  So, Paul had to do this in the dark with only a flash light.  Then after he's finished and we've pulled out to get on the road again, he tells me a story.  But first, to fill you in a little.  Yesterday, while we were relaxing outside by the RV in our mosquito tent, he starts  looking underneath the RV from where he's sitting.  I asked him what he was looking at and he said just a little water leak where the hose is hooked up.  He got up to go check it out.  Then he came back and sat down.  In a few minutes, the same thing.  He looked under the RV and then got up again--to check the water leak.  He stayed gone a while and then came back.  I asked him did he get it fixed and he said yes. Now, for the rest of the story.  This morning, after he'd done his chores in pitch blackness, he told me what really happened.  What he was looking at was a SNAKE!  Under the RV between the dual tires!  It got away from him and hid between the tires the first time he got up.  He watched it and when it began to move again, he got up and managed to kill it that time.  Then he buried it.  That's what took so long.  He said he didn't tell me because he knew I'd make him move the RV!  Oh, he said there really was a water leak, though.  

Now we'll move on to today's beautiful drive to Cody.

We made a stop at the Powder River Post Office to mail some birthday cards back home.

Our lunch spot for today.

Our main chore before we stopped for the night was doing laundry.  Paul had researched laundromats and found this one had great reviews.  Looking beside  the door you'll see an old ringer washing machine.  Yes, I know what that is.  I've seen my mama wash clothes on one just like it when I was a little girl. (Except it didn't have flowers growing out of it. lol) She never let me help her, though.  She'd always say, "Don't get too close.  It will wring your arm off!"  

My reward for doing laundry.  (As if I need an excuse for to shop for fabric or yarn.)
A cute quilt shop just down the road--Friends & Co.  
And, yes, I bought more fabric.
Buffalo Bill Center of the West


We are surrounded by beauty!  
Now to rest and to start a pot of homemade vegetable beef soup in the crockpot.  
Tomorrow we're visiting the Buffalo Bill Center of the West in Cody. It's five museums in one.

1 comment:

  1. Such a fun read. The scenery is gorgeous. Your new camera takes great pictures and you really have an eye for taking the perfect shots. Enjoy the museums.
