Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept 9

September 9. 2020

From Grindstone National Park to Nolin Lake State Park in Mammouth Cave, Kentucky.  (With a few hiccups.)

Yesterday after our hike as we came up to the RV, I noticed a very strong propane smell. Paul checked the tank and found that it was leaking propane around the regulator, so he had to shut it off.  That meant no cooking, no hot water, and no generator.  Thankfully, we had food prepared that didn't need to be heated.  We stopped at a WalMart parking lot to eat a cold lunch, and Paul went inside to get me a knee brace to wear tomorrow in Mammouth Cave. I stepped out of the RV wrong last night and twisted my knee, so I wanted to be sure I could walk on it.  I didn't want to miss the caverns!  


As we were driving, warnings came on the RV dash for the wheel sensors that regulate something on the brakes. Down the road a little further, another alarm came on the dash that said we only had ten more starts before the engine would shut down due to low DEF. (DEF is what you have to put in a diesel engine so it doesn't produce black smoke.)  But the gauge reads that the DEF is full! Now, we had to find a Mercedez-Benz dealership to troubleshoot these sensor problems and an RV dealership that can hopefully fix the propane tank problem. We located both in Louisville, KY, about two hours away from where we will be staying tonight.  

A beautiful place to spend a couple of days.  But, plans change.  No Mammouth Cave for us tomorrow.  We need to leave by 4:00 a.m. to get to the Mercedez by 7:30, because of time one hours ahead of ours also. They are working us in.  We are thankful they are willing to set aside their other jobs to get us in first. 

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