Friday, September 18, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 17-18

 September 17-18

Drive from Johnson Lake State Rec. Park, Nebraska, to Guernsey State Park, Wyoming

We had to take just a few more pictures here at Johnson Lake.  We have really enjoyed our stay here even though it was cold!

Heading out around the lake one more time before the next 300 miles or so.

Long, long road, again. 

After so many miles, I needed some "fiber" therapy, so we found this cute little quilt store in North Platte, Nebraska.  Right down the block, we saw the Centurylink building--which is so familiar to Paul. 


Ninety-two miles of this.

This was our lunch spot today in this small town.  We found a parking lot for a storage unit that looked isolated and available so we pulled in.  Not a "scenic beauty", but it served its purpose.  It's so nice to have all our food with us so that all we have to do is pull over somewhere in a good spot.  We put the side slide out, plug in the fan (always a must), crank up the generator to use the microwave to heat our lunch, sit and eat at our own table, and then be on our way.  

Now wouldn't you know that someone just HAD to park in front of the Wyoming sign just as we were coming by.  I didn't notice it at the time I took the picture, but when I uploaded it I thought the license plate looked familiar.  So I zoomed in, and sure enough, they were from North Carolina! Yes, people from NC do pull over just to take a picture of a sign. (I'm guilty, too. lol)

Railroad tracks running through the park.

Time to call it a night.

A Day At Guernsey State Park

My knitting spot for the afternoon.  So peaceful and relaxing with the white pelicans, blue heron, sea gulls, and cows!  Yes, there were cows across the lake.  After all, we are in Wyoming!
Suppertime.  Paul really likes the Blackstone.  I do, too, since he does the cooking on it.  And the food is delicious!  Thanks, Hon.
The railroad runs through this park and these had to park awhile waiting for the train coming from the opposite direction.

A beautiful ending to a beautiful and restful day.  We're leaving early in the morning for another 300-plus miles to Cody, Wyoming.  

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