Monday, September 14, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept 14

 September 14

An early trip to Mercedes-Benz in Wichita and Cheney State Park

We were up before daylight, "hitched up the wagons" (lol), and headed out for downtown Wichita.  

A beautiful sunrise on the horizon.

Well, no fixing the RV for us today.  The DEF sensor is bad (which we knew) but they didn't have one in stock.  So they had to order it and have it shipped by Fedex overnight. (Hopefully!) They reset the sensor so that we could drive it without the alarm coming on all the time.  Now, for a little shopping before we head back to Cheney.  First stop, Chic-Fil-A!  Then on to Best Buy--for a new camera!!!  Yep, another problem.  Our camera stopped working all of a sudden.  I certainly can take pictures with my phone, but Paul wanted better quality pictures for our travel adventures.  So, Best Buy shopping it is.  And I thought it cost a lot for the propane regulator!  Oh, well.  God is good!  All the time!

Our shopping done, we went back to Cheney to spend a quiet afternoon, which was what was on our agenda any way.  And we weren't disappointed.  All the weekend activity on the lake was over and it was a much quieter afternoon than yesterday.  Plus, the temperature had cooled off considerably and there was a nice breeze coming off the lake.  A great afternoon for just relaxing. 

A beautiful sunset to close out the day.  We'll head out early again tomorrow morning for Mercedes Benz.

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