Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 15-16

 September 15-16, 2020

From Cheney, Kansas to Johnson Lake, Nebraska

We left Cheney State Park at 6:00 heading back to Wichita to the Mercedes-Benz dealership, praying that the new sensor will arrive by FedX by 8:00 a.m.  

A beautiful sunrise on the horizon!  The second morning here in plenty of time.  Now to wait to see if the sensor gets here. . .   YES, and AMEN!!!  WooHoo!!  They were able to change the sensor and send us on our way by 10:30!  First stop, Chic-Fil-A! Then heading for Nebraska and Johnson Lake!
So, let me explain these "field" pictures coming up.  Multiply every picture by 10--that's how many "field" pictures I could post of nearly the same thing.  LONG roads of American Heartland.  But we love it!  This is America at it's best.  (Until we get to the Tetons at least. lol)

The field below is of sorghum.  

This is the "station" where we stopped for diesel fuel--in the midst of tractors and farm equipment.

This is interesting--the Statue of Liberty sitting out in the middle of a field in the middle of nowhere. 

This was the "scenic" bypass from one road to another.  There was a sign at each end of it that read, "Your GPS is wrong!" and also warning big rigs that there was no turn around.  We got through ok and didn't have to turn around.  It got us to where we wanted to go

This is beautiful!  The praying American cowboy.

Johnson Lake

Home for the next two nights.

An amazing tree!!  It must be over 100 years old.

Day Two:  Sun coming up from across the lake behind Little House.

The picture of the RV below was taken from a ways around the lake.  
This new camera has a good zoom feature, too.

Johnson Lake Overflow Structure

Below is the view from above the lake overflow. 

A close up of the big knothole that's in the base of that tree beside the RV.  

This is the other side of the tree.  Dead on one side and so vibrant and majestic on the other.

It's been a lovely day here.  We were hoping to be outside most of the day today, but it was COLD this morning with winds blowing in off the lake at about 16 mph.  We took several walks around the park and the lake overflow structure.  The park hosts are local people who live about seven miles from here and have been very friendly. They are Christians who are standing in faith on 2 Chronicles 7:14 also.  "If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray . . . I will heal their land."  

Tomorrow we leave here for Guernsey, Wyoming. 

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