Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 22

September 22, 2020

A day in Cody, WY, and Buffalo Bill Dam

What a beautiful day in Cody, Wyoming.  Although the day started out a little chilly by the afternoon it had turned into shirt sleeve weather.  This morning we went downtown Cody and visited a couple of thrift stores (only one or two people in the store so social distancing wasn't a problem.) Then on to the main attraction for downtown, the Grand Loop Yarn Shop!!  It was an amazing store!  Yes, I bought yarn and needles, too.  On the way back "home" we stopped at the Buffalo Bill Dam. 

The views from the dam were spectacular!

Back at the campsite to rest up for our day tomorrow.

This was a huge bird that liked visiting with us this afternoon.  I had no idea what kind it was, so Paul looked it up for me. According to Bing it's a Black-billed Magpie.

My afternoon knitting spot. Knitting is so relaxing, but when you can knit with the sound of water lapping the shore and a beautiful view such as this, it is heavenly.

           Paul is gathering driftwood for the fire pit later on.
There's a storm brewing.

       Paul is watching the storm roll in.
The sun setting behind the dark clouds.
It's a good thing we started our campfire early.

This is my husband!  The good man that he is!  The storm came up  quickly with lots of high winds and started blowing our camping neighbors' chairs and rug around.  They had left for the afternoon, so Paul is over there folding their chairs and putting them on top of the rug to keep them from blowing away.  The guy had even left his coat out, so Paul tucked it into a crevice in his truck camper so it wouldn't get wet.  

And here it comes. 

So, we're in for the night.  Tomorrow we'll leave early headed to the Grand Tetons.  We may not have internet service there, so if I don't post on the blog while we're there, I promise I'll catch up as soon as I can.  We thank our heavenly Father for all He provides for us, and we give Him glory and honor for it.

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