Sunday, September 27, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 27

September 27, 2020

A lazy day at Jordanelle State Park, Heber City, Utah.

Today was a day of rest here at Jordanelle State Park.  And that's exactly what we did.  We slept in until the sun was showing itself through the bedroom window of Little House.  We did our laundry yesterday when we first came in because we still had an hour before we could set up at our site. This park was very strict about the check-in time, so we used our time wisely and got the laundry taken care of.  (Not many state parks have a laundromat, so this was nice.) 

This morning we fixed breakfast and then did a few chores in the RV.  I called Alta and wished her a happy birthday, and then we just sat here and watched a movie.  Watching a movie in the day time is very unusual for us.

 Paul was going to cook chicken on the Blackstone for lunch and pancakes to put in the frig to heat up for breakfast later.  He cooked the pancakes first, and they looked so good we decided to eat pancakes for lunch and save the chicken and the rest of the pancakes for later. lol  You can see how Paul had to rig up a place to cook because the wind wanted to blow out the propane on the cooker. He used our mat held up by the chairs and our firewood to block off the wind. It worked!

He had his with syrup, but I put some of Miss Ann Farmer's strawberry preserves on mine. YUMMY!

Time for a walk after lunch.  

And for just sitting and enjoying the sunshine and the view.

When we got back from our walk and sitting by the lake, this was where I cut Paul's hair.  (He wouldn't let me post pictures of that.)  We hid behind the RV so no one would see us.  We didn't really care, though.  You do what you gotta do.

It's been a good day.  A lazy day.  A quiet, peaceful, and restful day.
As Paul was putting away some of our gear, he asked me if I'd see the cross up on top of the mountain.  No, I hadn't.  But I'm glad he showed it to me.  Everywhere we go, there's always so much beauty that reminds us of our Heavenly Father.  And a cross high on a mountain is such a joy to find.

The sun setting behind the mountain.  Time to head inside and prepare for tomorrow's  
 drive to Bryce Canyon, Utah. 

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