Monday, September 28, 2020

Western Trip 2020, Sept. 28

 September 28, 2020

Driving from Jordanelle State Part to Bryce Canyon State Park, Utah.

A couple of last looks at Jordanelle.  The cross looks a little different from this angle and with the sun shinning from behind it. 

This is such a familiar sight on all our trips--Paul cleaning the windshield before we begin a driving day.  He had to do this even more frequently on our two road trips to Alaska.  

We saw this temple the last time we came through here.  It was such a surprise the first time we saw it because it is out in the middle of nowhere it seems, just a small little village close to it.  It's the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the Manti, Utah Temple.  

Long, long road.

Now this is truly a road less traveled--not even a center line.  In some places it was barely wide enough for two vehicles to pass.  But it was a beautiful drive with little to no traffic.  Except the occasional man on his horse with his dogs . . . 

. . . or cows that have gotten out of their fence.
They were not on open range land either, they had torn down their fence somewhere.  

We stopped at Bryce Canyon City to fill up with propane and water and to dump the tanks.  It's only dry camping here at Sunset Campground inside Bryce Canyon National Park.  

It's beautiful here, even if it doesn't have a view of a lake or reservoir. 

Tomorrow, we'll hike our way out of the campground and set off down some of the trails into Bryce Canyon.  It will definitely be a busy day.  It's a good thing we took a "lazy" day yesterday. 

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