Sunday, June 12, 2011

Day 10--June 12--Eden, UT to Jackson, WY

Paul and I slept a little later this morning.  Then we drove from Eden, UT, into Idaho again and into Wyoming again to visit the Grand Teton Mountains.  Again, these mountains are different.  There are no foot hills.  They just rise up majestically from the valley floor.  They are indeed magnificent!

We didn't see as much wildlife here as we did in Yellowstone, but we did see one moose and some elk.

We actually got out of the car and went into the woods to see them up close.  We didn't get TOO close, however.  I'm glad our camera has a zoom lens.  I let Paul take these pictures.  I was standing BEHIND him.  We said many times that we wish Charity and Autumn could see these mountains.  Then Paul would say, "I hope all our kids get to see this someday."  I am so thankful that Paul and I have this opportunity.  We are not taking it for granted.  We are enjoying not only the beautiful scenery that God created, but we are enjoying just being together and visiting these beautiful places together. 

We do miss the girls, though.  They behaved themselves so well!  lol   I believe they had a good time.  We're spending the night in Jackson Hole, Wyoming,

and we'll go back into Yellowstone tomorrow to see some of the areas we didn't see when the girls were with us.  Then we'll head back to Eden, UT, to finish out the week there.

Until tomorrow night...
Love you!

PS--Paul said to tell Jeff and Lonnie, "Make sure you take a look at the last two pictures in today's album."

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