Thursday, June 16, 2011

Days 13-14--June 15-16th--Utah

I decided to combine two days into one blog.  Yesterday we went downtown Salt Lake City. This is a very pretty city, if you like cities, of course. 

We visited Temple Square which is where the Mormons built their temple and all the surrounding buildings.

I was so impressed with the beauty everywhere.  I told Paul that I may not believe like they do, but they certainly honor and glorify God with all they have created on His behalf.  I took a lot of pictures of the flowers there, so be sure to check out all our pictures on 'Our pictures 2'.

We ate lunch there at The Lion House, which if an original house to the early time period of the Mormons.  We also toured the Beehive House, which was Brigham Young's original home and office.  These pictures are on in our album as well.  We had a good day walking around the square and downtown Salt Lake City.  Of all the cities we've visited in all our travels, this city was the most beautiful and the least congested.  We were really tired when we got back to the resort so that's the reason for the lateness of this blog.  Today we're just hanging out at the resort, doing laundry, getting ready to leave out early tomorrow morning for Tonopah, Nevada, where we'll spend the night, on the way to Yosemite. 
Thanks for reading our blog. 

Love you.

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