Friday, June 3, 2011

Day One--June 3, 2011--Canton, Ohio

Last night when Paul said he wanted to get up at 4:00 this morning I said, "What!  It won't take that long to get ready!"  We were supposed to pick up Autumn at 5:00.  Well, I was awake at 3:00 and got up at 3:30 because I was TOO EXCITED to sleep! 
We left right on schedule, picked up Autumn right on time, got our biscuits and gas, and picked up Charity right at 5:45!  How's that for timing? 

Out the door!
 Our first mountain in Mt. Airy.
 Poor Daddy! See what he has to put up with!

 The light at the end of the tunnel!
 Charleston, WV capitol building

We are now in Canton, Ohio.  It was a very nice drive.  The weather was absolutely beautiful, only about 75 degrees!   We stopped often, and I even walked at two of the rest stops for 10 minutes each time.  So, we're really not that tired. 

We're trying to decide on somewhere to eat right now.  He decided we'd eat out at one of the Amish restaurants tomorrow for his birthday instead of tonight.  Maybe we'll get in the hot tub or pool later.
So, an uneventful day, thankfully. We were cut off once by a big rig.  The Lord's angels were on duty, though.  Thank You, Jesus. 

We love you all!
Until tomorrow night...

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