Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Days 24 & 25—June 26 & 27 Time with the Mobleys

Well, Patsy said it correctly.  We’ve been having too much fun at Tim’s and Maryann’s to write a blog!  So, I’ll try to catch you up before I write today’s blog.  

Here are some of the ways we spent our days.
Kate and Natalie had a good time in their pool.

 They also enjoyed playing on their swing set.

We all enjoyed the play room as well.

Kate loves to dress up as a princess!

One day we went to the park.  This is the angel in honor of the little girl who was killed in Tucson when Rep. Gabby Gifford was shot.

 We watched Natalie at her swim lesson.

 Kate, Granddaddy, and Tim watch and play while they wait for Natalie.  
(I'm sitting in the shade taking photos. Smart, huh?)
Ethan also practices laps for his race this coming Saturday.

We took a 'family' photo to remember our time together, but we couldn't sit still too long.

We had a blast!
Make sure to check out all the pictures on 'Our Pictures 2'.  We have some more pictures to add later, we just can't find them right now.  We had a very nice lunch with Tim and Maryann at an old ranch turned into a 'tea room' and nature walk.  I'll post those when we find them.

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