Sunday, June 5, 2011

Day 3--June 5th--From Canton, OH to Wisconsin

We left Canton early this morning to meet my sweet friend, Carol, in Northfield, OH.  What a blessing she is!!  I've known Carol for about three years.  She is one of God's prayer warriors, and she's been praying for this family.  She's one of the reasons we started our trip in a northern direction first.  I've been planning for two years for this day to give her a hug.  She is such a delightful lady and an inspiration to everyone she comes in contact with.  It's such an amazing thing how the Lord can bring people together through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  I know He brought Carol and me together to support each other in prayer and to become truly close friends.  We are sisters in the Lord.  Carol is now going through a serious trial.  I ask all of you to agree with me in prayer for Carol's total healing.  I KNOW she will continue to be a blessing and an inspiration to everyone around her.  I also KNOW that God's hand is upon her, and He will bring her through this and bring glory to His name.

We left there and rode through the rest of Ohio, Indiana, into Michigan just a little ways, and through Illinois (via Chicago) to Wisconsin.

A long day of riding with a lot of traffic, especially around Chicago.  Tomorrow we head to North Dakota.

Charity and Autumn want to add some things to this blog, so I'll let them do that.  Just don't believe everything they tell you!

Being with mama and daddy is a wonderful opportunity. I am so thankful for the extra time that I get to spend with them. Even the times when our "manager" (mama) starts acting silly. She even bought herself a happy pill. The picture of her happy pill is below but you would have to hear it to really get the full effect.

We all have "jobs" or assignments in the van while we are riding. I have already told you that mama is the manager and she doubles as the photographer.

Daddy is the driver.

I am the navigator and Autumn is the backup photographer and trash manager. Our journey is going very well so far, and I am pretty sure that everyone is having a wonderful time together! Daddy did a VERY good job of planning/mapping the trip out. So, in closing everyone is having a wonderful time and mama sure keeps it interesting for us!!

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