Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 12—June 14—A day in Eden

Today’s been an easy day.  We got up later than usual for us, ate a leisurely breakfast, and watched a movie.  Then we went down the mountain to have the oil changed in the van and to visit a couple of thrift stores.  We also hit Wal Mart for a couple of items I had forgotten to bring along.  Then we took a very short drive through the town just to see what it was like.  The pictures for today are all on Picassa.  Just click on ‘Our Pictures 2’.  All these pictures were taken on the drive back up the mountain.  Notice especially how the road winds upward and around.  Then notice that it turns into a dirt road.  The pictures taken with the dirt road in them are all from the top of the mountain.  The pictures taken after the one with the van in it are taken from our condo.  The one with the deck chair was taken out our patio windows.  This is what we see everyday we’re here at the resort.  Today was the sunniest day, however.  The temperature was 74 down at the bottom of the mountain.  By the time we reached the top of the mountain, it was down to 56.  The elevation here is 10,000 feet.  A big difference from Bear Grass, huh?
Well, that’s all for today.
Talk to you tomorrow.

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