Thursday, June 2, 2011

Westward Ho! Count down...14, 13, 12, .......

We're down to counting hours now instead of days!  I'm taking a short break from packing to blogging.  My feet certainly can use the rest.  It's been a busy few days, but we're finally finished up at school.  I have most everything packed except for the last minute laundry, my Bible and books, and my yarn.  Yes, yarn.  I can crochet and knit while riding, even if I can't read and ride.  I'm so thankful for Dramamine!

This is short as I need to get out of this 'easy' chair and get back to work.  Tomorrow morning, bright (well, it's not so bright at 5:00 a.m.) and early we're heading out!  First stop, Bear Grass to get Autumn.  Second stop, Stokes for gas for the van and cheese biscuits for us.  Third stop, Winterville for Charity.
Then we're "on the road again"!

Until tomorrow night!
Love you all!

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