Thursday, June 23, 2011

Day 20 & 21--June 22 & 23--San Diego and Palm Desert

Yesterday we took a different route to get to San Diego than we did to get to Huntington Beach.  Yep, you guessed it.  Up and down, and around and around!  But it was another beautiful drive and well worth the Dramamine.

The Zoo is a beautiful place.  San Diego has really made a great effort to provide a beautiful place, not only for their animals but for their human visitors as well.

We did a lot of walking, which was a good thing, but by the end of our time there, my feet and legs were very tired.  We were supposed to meet Ray (Paul's nephew for those of you who don't know) at the harbor for dinner at 6:00.  By 4:00 we had had enough of walking around the zoo, so we left early just to go sit on the dock and watch the water and the boats and ships. The harbor is another beautiful place, very relaxing.  We saw all sorts of water craft:  a big aircraft carrier, fishing boats, sail boats, etc.  We also saw lots of helicopter coming over from Camp Pendleton.  We saw statues of Bob Hope and different troops listening to his funny stories. There was also an audio that was playing continuously with Bob Hope telling his funny stories to the troops.   The coolest statue, though, was the sailor kissing his girlfriend.
Ray was a little late due to traffic on the interstate. (I can believe it!)  Paul saw him drive in, and we all were so excited to see each other.  I don't think Ray has too many family members to come visit him. lol  At least, not many that drive all the way across country!  We had a delightful dinner at the Fish Market Restaurant right on the harbor.  Again, we were able to get a table over-looking the water.  God is so good to work out even the smallest details just for our enjoyment.
Today we stay in Palm Desert to rest, do laundry, & pack up.

Tomorrow we'll be in Tucson (Marana)!  Timmy, Maryann, Ethan, Natalie & Kate, Here we come!!!!

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