Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day 6, June 8th-Rapid City, SD to Laurel, MT

We started out this morning by washing clothes!  How exciting!  It actually was since the hotel had a guest laundry, and we didn’t have to go searching for one and sit and wait for it to get done.  So, we got a little later start today, which was okay.  Today’s drive took us to Mount Rushmore.  I know you’ve probably seen this monument, but it’s always different when you see something for real, and this was no exception.  For instance, I’d never noticed the lapels on George Washington’s jacket before.  Also, it has many different angles, depending on from where you viewed it.  One view we saw was in a small cave looking up through a crack in the top of the cave.  

We walked the President’s trail.  The sign lied.  I think it was much longer than it claimed it was—most of it up stairs.  Needless to say, I got my cardio workout in for the day.  Charity was able to make it all the way around (It was her idea to do it in the first place.) with many warnings along the way to “watch that curb”.

We left there and went to Crazy Horse Monument.  This isn’t as well known as Mount Rushmore, but it was very beautiful and interesting.  “This is not funded by the federal government, nor will it ever be!” said the wife of the sculptor who began this work in 1948.  He died in 1982 and his wife and children are now overseeing the project.  Seven of their ten children still live and work there on the sculpture.  We had lunch there at the Laughing Water Restaurant.  Not only was the food good, but we had a perfect spot near a huge bay window with lots of live plants and a perfect view of the sculpture.

From there we went to Deadwood.  No, not our Deadwood—Deadwood, South Dakota.  It was actually very different from ours.  I like ours better.

From there we went to the Battle of Little Big Horn National Monument via the Cheyenne and Crow reservations.  There was so much history there.  We saw lots of graves, not only of Custer’s soldiers but also of children and unknown soldiers.  There were also markers where Custer’s soldiers had actually fallen on the battlefield.  We only saw one marker indicating one of Sitting Bull’s braves had died in the battle.  

We arrived at our hotel worn out!  That’s the reason for the lateness of this blog.  So many places to see, so many things to do, and lots of miles to cover!
Love you all.

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