Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 22 & 23--June 24 & 25--CA to AZ to Tim's

The ride from California to Arizona was mostly uneventful.  The traffic wasn't too bad, so I didn't knit a lot.  Just watched the mountains, and the desert, and the mountains, and the desert......  It got to 111 degrees again today.  Yep, that's HOT! 

Here's a pictures of all my 'traffic therapy' accomplishments since we began our trip.

We arrived at Tim's house a little after lunch, and then the fun began!  Ethan met us at the van because he had been watching out the window for us.  It was so nice to be met at the van by Ethan hugs!!  Natalie and Kate were still taking a nap.  I gave Ethan his pirate's hook, and he actually knew what it was without me having to tell him.  WooHoo!  I was doubtful that he'd know since I had a hard time actually making it look like it was supposed to.  At least Ethan will have the one-and-only because I won't do another one!

Natalie and Kate got up from their naps shortly afterwards, but it took them a few minutes to actually wake up.  Once they did, we got some really good hugs from them, too.  They were so sweet!  They look really cute in the crowns I made them.  For those of you who don't know, Tim made them a 'princess' bed.  That's the reason I made crowns for them.  Every princess needs a crown, and these actually match the blankets I made for them before they were even born.

 We had a good time playing and looking at the pictures from the zoo.

We went to Ethan's Vacation Bible School closing ceremony last night, and he was so cute doing all the actions to the songs.

We were all very tired by the time we got home, so it was off to bed for everyone!

This morning started out with 'Micky Mouse' pancakes and blueberry bread.  Maryann did a great job.
Now we're just 'chillin', if there's such a thing in Arizona.  Timmy just hooked up the Kinects, so things might 'heat' up.  I'll probably just watch for a while.  Maybe this afternoon we'll get in their pool. (after a nap, maybe?)
Until later.....

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