Saturday, June 11, 2011

Days 8 & 9—June 10-11—Idaho to Utah

It’s Saturday afternoon and we are in our resort in Eden, Utah.  I think they named this place appropriately because it is SO beautiful.  Mountains surround us, and most of them have snow on them.  We can’t even walk out our back door because the snow is piled so high around it.  The temperature is in the 50’s—very nice.
Paul and I are getting some much-needed rest, as we were exhausted last night when we got in. 

Let me back up and begin with yesterday morning.  Even though we got in so late the night before we got up around 6:30, ate a quick bite at the hotel, and got on the road again.  We knew it was going to be another long day on the road.  We drove through Idaho, into Washington, and on into Oregon. 

The girls and I were still very sleepy, but we couldn’t sleep because we didn’t want to miss anything.  We could drive for miles and miles and see beautiful green, rolling countryside with cows and windmills.  I’ve heard the controversy from environmentalist about the windmills ruining the pristine countryside, but I disagree.  They are beautiful!  They’re like giant soldiers quietly watching over all the beauty below them.  It’s like they’re saying, “Don’t mind us.  We’ll just stand here and do our jobs, quietly and efficiently, while you go on your way.”  

Then we would ride through valleys surrounded by tall, majestic mountains.  These mountains are not like ours, which sport so many trees.  These mountains are more sheer rock, with small shrubs and jutting rocks.  Waterfalls, small and large are pouring through the rocks.  Beside the road that winds for miles upward, is a stream that roars downward to the river below.  Roars is an appropriate word because the melting snow has caused the waters to be vicious, anxiously rushing on its way.  These angry waters make me think twice about white-water rafting!  Last night, we couldn’t see very well because it was so dark.  But we knew it was there.  We could see the profile of the mountains as we wound our way upward.  We also saw deer beside the road and IN the road.  Paul almost hit one because the deer would not get out of the way!  It was somewhat of a hair-raising, toe-curling ride up here, mostly because of not knowing what lay ahead.  The roads were slippery and twisting.  We were never sure of what was around the next turn.  I thought about our walk of faith.  One of the girls commented on ‘the fear of the unknown’.  Isn’t this what our faith-climb is like?  As each of us continues on our journey of faith, ever climbing higher and higher to be more like Jesus, we shouldn’t be afraid of the unknown.  We should know that even if we can’t SEE what’s up ahead, and even though we can HEAR angry, rushing waters surrounding us, and FEEL our insides churning with anxiety, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus is ever with us.  He KNOWS what’s going on, even though we might not.  Our faith is in Him, and we don’t have to depend on our abilities and ourselves.  We REST in Him.

Now, a funny story.  As we came in last night, we saw a sign on the front door of the condo that said, “Please close this door behind you to keep our animal friends out.”  We opened the door to our suit, and it was HOT.   We immediately turned the heat off, and Autumn opened the sliding glass door to the back of the condo.  All the way through Yellowstone, I had really wanted to see a bear.  Because of that, I guess bears were on our minds.  So, when Autumn opened the door I thought about the sign on the door and said, “Autumn, you don’t need to open that door. What would you do if a bear came in?”  She said, “I’d run out the other door!” As she said this she turned toward the door she had opened and          screamed!  The look on her face was priceless!  Of course, I thought it really was a bear!  She jumped up and quickly ran toward the open door!  I guess she scared the RACCOON as much as he scared her because he ran the other way!!  It’s a good thing I was sitting down or I’d have fallen down laughing!!!

Needless to say, we were all eager to get in our beds and
sleep.  We had to get up early to take Autumn and Charity to the airport in Salt Lake City this morning. 
We were up in plenty of time and got them there on time to make their flight.  They will be back in Raleigh sometime late this afternoon. They rode 4624.8 miles with us.  Paul and I stopped on the way back to get a few groceries and then made our climb back up the mountains to our resort.

Thank you all for continuing to pray for our safe journeys.  We love you all.
(Oh, by the way, we love comments on our posts.)

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