Saturday, June 18, 2011

Day 16--June 18th--From Toponah, NV, to Madera, CA

Ok, I told Charity on the phone that there would not be a blog tonight.  I was so tired I could hardly see straight.  We got in our room (finally!) and I fell down on the sofa and did not move.  I just HAD to be still for a little while.  We were on the road 12 hours today!  Once I could move I made myself a peanut butter jelly sandwich and then went to take a shower.  We are in a suite here in the Hampton in Madera, and when I rounded the corner to the bathroom I saw the jacuzzi!  My response, "Oh, WOW!"  I took a shower, washed my hair, and THEN got in the jacuzzi!  I told Paul I feel at least human now!

Our day started out like yesterday with long stretches of road and a few trips around some mountains and then more long stretches of road. One section of the road had dips.  And I DO mean dips! It was like a roller coaster, and you know I don't do well with roller coasters!   Paul was laughing at me!!!  You might be able to see the dips in the pictures.

I know I didn't complain about the long stretches yesterday, and it was a good thing I didn't.  Once we hit Yosemite that was the END of long stretches of road.  It was a continuous up and down and around and around.

I said out loud, "Dramamine, don't fail me now!"   It was surely getting tested today.

I think Yosemite is even prettier than Yellowstone.  The trees were much bigger and greener and there were many waterfalls.  We walked up to Bridal Veil Falls, but we didn't get too close because the spray was soaking everyone that went up. 
We also took the long trek up the mountain to Glacier Point and Half Dome.  The views were magnificent. (check out all the pictures on our album)

I think what made me so tired today was all the cars and people in Yosemite.  Today was the first day the pass was open (due to so much snow) to get there by the prettiest route.  There were major traffic jams EVERYWHERE! 
Not just with cars, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, motor homes, buses, etc, bumper-to-bumper, but with PEOPLE!  And a lot of them didn't care a thing in the world about anyone but themselves.  We had to hike a right good ways up the mountain from the parking lot to get to the top of Glacier Point and people would walk right over me!  It was almost like I was invisible!  We were hugging the right-hand side of the trail, too!  Oh, well, so many of them were 'foreigners'.  They had California license plates!
Ahhh, good 'ole North Carolina!  We're having a great time and seeing many beautiful places, but we do miss home and everyone there!

Tomorrow, we're head for Sequoia National Forest and our next time share.
Until then....
Love you!

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