Sunday, May 31, 2015

Kodak, TN, to Bear Grass, NC

I believe we were almost as excited this morning as we were the morning we left 39 days ago.  It's always wonderful to be able to travel and see new places, but it's so good to come home again.  We got up at 4:30 a.m. and were on the road by 5:00.  It was dark when we left Kodak, TN, but the sun was coming up just as we crossed over into North Carolina.

The mountains of NC are always there to welcome us home, 
and the Great Smokies really lived up to their name this morning.

One of our favorite stops on our way home is the Piedmont Triad Farmer's Market just outside of Greensboro.  Yep!  We stopped and loaded up the truck! At least, what room there was left in it.  We got such a good deal, too!

Now for my accomplishments from my therapy sessions knitting.  

Two dishcloths (which I gave away to our hostess at Mount McKinley B&B) and a pair of half-fingered gloves.

Three hats.

A long scarf.

An extra large prayer shawl.
Another pair of fingerless mittens and a headband half-finished.

I really do enjoy knitting while traveling, and Paul is so good to put up with all my paraphernalia. 

A most beautiful sight!  Home!  After 39 days and 13, 114.2 miles, we are home!
 I must praise and thank our Heavenly Father for His protection, guidance, grace,  and mercy during this trip.  He never leaves us but is always there with us every minute of every mile of every day.
   Until next time . . .

Saturday, May 30, 2015

St. Peters, MO, to Kodak, TN.

Today was a much less stressful day of driving, at least to me it was.  Paul doesn't seem to get flustered about any of it, but sometimes it can really get to me.  That's why I knit.  Paul is thankful that I do, too, because it keeps my mind and eyes off the road.  Coming around big cities is the worst.  Just as we got off the interstate and turned to go to our hotel, a car almost side swiped us.  There was more road construction, and we didn't have any room to move over.  I was yelling at the car, which did absolutely no good, to get over!  Thankfully, our angels haven't left our side for one minute because I know the driver didn't hear me, but he didn't hit us.  I really believe and rely on my angels a lot!  Thank You, Lord, for providing everything we need just when we need it.

One more night!  As excited as we were to begin this trip and as much as we've enjoyed every minute of it, we're definitely ready to get home.  Over 12,000 miles!  I'll give you the exact number tomorrow night.

Only a few pictures today since we were driving the interstate (and because I slept part of the way).

Missouri skyline early this morning.

Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

 A semi overturned on the interstate.  We can't figure out what the rig was carrying.

Crossing the Ohio River.

Nashville, TN.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Sioux City, SD, to St. Peters, MO

Today has been a totally different day from any of the others on this trip.  Rain, rain, rain.  I looked on the map and realized we were traveling just above Texas and Oklahoma and were in the same weather pattern for these states.  I have felt so sorry for them and have prayed for them often throughout the day.     We saw so many accidents on the road today, too.  I can't believe how people drive so carelessly on the interstate in such bad weather.  I have been so thankful on this trip for the Lord's protection over us.  We have truly been blessed, not just to be able to take this trip, but also to enjoy good health and to be able to do the things we want to do.  The Lord is good!

So, due to the rain, I only got a few good pictures.  

Always a beautiful sight!

We soon left South Dakota and entered Iowa.

And, of course, more road construction plus the rain.

We found this at an Iowa Welcome Center.

And into Missouri.

We'll be leaving St. Peters in the morning headed for Kodak, Tennessee for one last night on the road!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gillette, WY, to Sioux City, SD

Wow! What a day!  Paul and I were very ambitious in our sightseeing today, but we were determined to see some things we've seen before but wanted to see again. We also saw some things we hadn't seen before.  I took almost 500 pictures today, and Paul only had to delete about 30 of them for being blurred.  So, I'm only going to give you a sampling here and ask that you go to the link over to the right and see the others (not all 400 & some).  (grin!)

Places we've been before:  Mount Rushmore and the Badlands.

Places we haven't seen before:  Devil's Tower and Bear Country, USA.

Tomorrow, we're headed for St. Peters, Missouri.  Keep those prayers going.  
Three more days and we're home!

(Paul's having trouble getting the pictures to download, so they may not be there until later.)