Sunday, May 24, 2015

Toad River Lodge to Fort St. John, BC

We had a great breakfast at Toad River Lodge's restaurant, which has a unique variety of hats.  It started a while back when someone accidentally left his hat at the restaurant, and the owners tacked it to the wall.  Since then, they have collected over 10,000 hats, and yes, they are all in here.  Neat, huh?

 We had our first wildlife appearance just down the road a ways.  
Looks like he was just waiting for us to say, "Good morning."

Another beautiful day and drive.

We were very excited about today's wildlife photos.  We saw SIX bears today.  
The last one got away without having his picture being taken.


This fellow was so cute.  He was on the other side of a guard rail laying right next to it, eating his flowers.  He watched me, and I watched him.  He never let up on those flowers, though.  Bears must really love dandelions.


We have seen lots of signs along the roads warning of bighorn sheep.  Well, today there was another one and I told Paul, "We've haven't seen these sheep yet!"  Not long after that, here they were!

Now isn't this a face you can love!

Although the roads were better today we didn't get by without having to go through more road construction. 

And the truck got even dirtier!

When we got to Fort Nelson we stopped to get gas and just a few stores away there was a car wash.  Yep, you guessed it.  We couldn't stand it another minute.  We took it through!  We got the "extreme" package!  It really needed to go through twice, but once was costly enough.  And, of course, not long after we got it washed, it rained!  For only about ten minutes, but enough to allow all the dirt to start collecting again.  Oh, well.

The church pictures for today, and one from yesterday.

Tomorrow we're headed to Leduc, Alberta, Canada.  Please continue to keep us in your prayers.  
One more week to go before we're home.

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