Saturday, May 16, 2015

A Day at McKinley View & Talkeetna, AK

It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord orchestrates things to bring people into our lives that love and honor HIm.  When we got into our room at the B & B yesterday, the first things I saw on the night stand were a Bible, a devotional book and CD by Joyce Meyer, and the book The Prayer of Jabez.  This morning after a delicious home-cooked breakfast, we heard the owner's story of how she came to be in Alaska.  She talked freely of how the Lord lead her to leave her job at the NewYork Times and seek out the place He had for her.  It is just so refreshing and inspiring to meet people who love the Lord and put Him first place in their lives.  Rene, the owner, says that as she sets the table for the people she'll be serving she places her hands on each chair and prays for the person who'll be sitting there.  What a wonderful example of how we can live our lives for Jesus by serving others.  If we ever get to come to Alaska again, we'll definitely stay here with Rene and Rod Thomason.

 After breakfast we went to a little town called Talkeetna where we hoped to do a three-hour zipline tour down the mountains.  The Princess Cruise Line ship had come into port, however, and the tour was booked up.  We even called to Seward where we'll be tomorrow to try to book one there, but they were booked up there as well.  We were disappointed, but we used some of
the money we saved to do a little shopping.

Some of these buildings were actual stores while others were just historic log cabins.  

The owners named their B & B well.  Paul took these pictures of Mt. McKinley after the clouds cleared out a bit.

 These pictures remind me of the song, "The heavens declare the glory of God.  The skies proclaim the work of His hands" which comes from Psalm 91:1.  Amen!

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