Thursday, May 7, 2015

Our Week at Eagle Crest in Redmond, OR.

   The drive in to Redmond, Oregon was absolutely beautiful.  

Our resort is in a beautiful natural environment.  Mountains all around it, large, old Juniper trees, ponds, horses, hiking trails along the river, walking trails, and areas of natural habitat for the prairie dogs.  

There are three golf courses here, swimming pools, and playgrounds.  Their horses are so nice to look at, but that's about all we did.  We thought about riding but decided we needed to be able to ride the many miles ahead of us in the truck.

We enjoyed the view from our balconies.  The sun came up every morning at 5:00 and shown between the blinds to wake us up.  That's okay, though, because it gave us longer days to enjoy being here.

Each day we rode out to explore Redmond and surrounding towns.  Of course, we had to hit the thrift stores and found some really good buys on knitting needles, toys, and a few other things.

This statue greeted us each time we came into Redmond.

An alpaca farm a little ways from Redmond called Crescent Moon.  Why am I interested in alpacas?  Alpaca yarn, or course.

This sign hangs from the entrance to a lumber mill.  Cool, huh?  I just love to see God honored like this!

One town we drove to was call "Sisters".  It's a very unique town because all the business were built like the old western buildings.

                   Yep,  Century Link is in Oregon, too.  Paul asked me if I wanted to move up here.  He'd get a job with Century Link if I wanted to move.  I told him we'd probably have some children who would have something to say about that.  It's a nice place to visit . . .
This is the Sisters Coffee Company.  It was recommended to us by the ladies in the Stitch'in Post, a quilt and yarn shop.  Yes, I bought more yarn, a beautiful, undyed, natural llama yarn--so soft.

This was such a refreshing place and not just because of the coffee.  It was a beautiful lodge-looking place with exposed logs and extra seating in the balcony. They had a hand-written sign hanging behind the counter with this written on it.  

Jesus looked at them and said,  "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
BAM!  Matthew 19:26

We could tell the whole establishment was centered on Jesus.  There was such a peaceful atmosphere in the place.  Again, God is being honored here.  I love it!

From Sisters we "tried" to drive up to Mount Washington, but we could only go part of the way because the road was closed due to snow. We did get some good shots of it, though.

We've had beautiful weather since we left North Carolina, but one day here we had storms come across the mountains, thunder and lightning, rain, and. . .

HAIL!  Beautiful!  Fortunately, it didn't do any damage.

We really enjoyed our hikes and walks while here.  The hike along the river was especially nice because I just love the sound of running water.  

Today, our last day here, I went for just one more hike by the river by myself.  Of course, I had to come across this!  I had been walking and watching the river instead of the ground.  I stopped to look at the river and when I turned back he was right in front of me.  I would have stepped right on him if I hadn't stopped when I did.  And, no, believe it or not, I didn't scream and yell.  I did, however, wait for him to cross the trail before I kept going.

It's been a restful and adventurous week, and we enjoyed Eagle Crest very much.  
Tomorrow, we leave out early for Everett, Washington.

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