Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lake Louise, AK, to Beaver Creek, Yukon, CA.

So, I've been telling you how long daylight is here at this time of year.  
This first picture is of the sun setting last night around 11:30 p.m.
 This picture is of the sun rising this morning at 4:30 a.m.

We were talking to the owner of the lodge about this phenomena of such long daylight hours in the summer.  She said that they didn't mind the long daylight hours at all because it was so refreshing after it being so dark for so long.  I totally get that.  

This is how peaceful the lake was this morning as we pulled out for another day of driving.  We had this roller coaster road again, but the views are totally worth it!

We could actually still see the Matanuska Glacier from this road. 
 I am always in awe when I look at His beautiful creations.

Here are our "critter" pics for today, a porcupine and a huge moose.

Our church pictures for today.

This cross was hanging inside the lodge.

We came across a wildfire before we left Alaska.  So sad.

We crossed the US border back into Canada.  
Tonight we're back at Buck Shot Betty's in Beaver Creek, Yukon, Canada.

We were able to FaceTime with Brandon when we got here and could get on the Internet.  Thank you, Autumn, for being there in my place to make him a cake and help him celebrate his birthday.  
Happy birthday, again, Brandon!  We love you!

Thanks to all of you for keeping us in your prayers for safe travels.  
The Lord is so good to us. 

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