Thursday, May 14, 2015

Beaver Creek to Fairbanks, AK

Good bye, Canada, at least for now.  We'll see you again soon.  At last!  We're coming into our 50th state!  We've been planning this for a very long time now, twenty years to be exact.  I remember because twenty years ago on our 25th wedding anniversary, our children gave us a surprise  party to celebrate.  They started our savings fund that night for this trip.  Well, we thought we'd visit Alaska first and then do the rest of the states we'd not seen, but it happened the other way around.  Our cross-country journeys began when Tim and his family moved to Arizona.  We've enjoyed each trip we've taken together and this one is no exception.

Today, at 8:08 Pacific time, Paul and I
crossed the border into Alaska.

We held hands and looked at one another and said, "We did it!"  And yes we did.  God is so good!  Twenty-two days on the road and 7,000 miles from home.  

The scenery changed a little.  The trees weren't quite as tall, but the mountains were just as majestic.

A frozen lake.
We're standing in the dry part of the Gerstie River with the Alaska Range behind us. 

Not all of the river was dry, though. This water is COLD!
My favorite church pictures for today. 

Alaska is a big state, and they certainly grow big mosquitoes here!  

 Part of the Alaska Pipeline.

 And the end of our adventures for today, the Santa Claus House in North Pole, Alaska!

We got messages from Santa for all the grandkids (and some big kids, too) and mailed them from here. Watch for the mail, kids!
Tonight's stay is in Fairbanks.  Tomorrow, on to Denali National Park!

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