Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Leduc, Alberta, to Great Falls, Montana

Rolling, rolling, rolling.  Yep, that's us.  Just rolling along with this flat land
 and a few rolling hills the closer we got to Montana.  

We got into some rain today for about 30 to 45 minutes--the first significant rain we've seen the whole trip.  The clouds were so beautiful.

Lots of barn pictures today and a lot that I didn't get.  It's a little different trying to take photos going 40 to 50 mph on the Alaskan Highway than 115 kph on the interstates of Canada.

Then, to go from the scenes above to the one below--the first big city we've been in since Seattle.

We crossed the border without any problems at customs.  The customs' agent said as we drove up, "North Carolina?  Long way from home aren't you?"  Yes, I'd say so.

And then on to the rolling plains of Montana.

Paul said to tell you we're NOT staying here tonight.
What a name, huh?  
Ok, I'm done for today.  A little tired here.  Night all.

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