Sunday, May 17, 2015

McKinley View to Seward, AK

We said good bye to Mt. McKinley and Rene this morning and headed out for Seward.

It is truly a God-thing when you can find a sister-in-Christ so far away from home in the middle of nowhere.

The church pictures for today.

This is Rene's church.

We passed by Sara's house!  (I wished.)  But we did see a little bit of her hometown.

We made a stop at the Alaskan Native Heritage Center.  This was an interesting stop as we learned much about the Alaskan tribes and their individual cultures.  One thing that caught my eye was that their "values we hold most high" all seemed to be based on the Ten Commandments.  At one of the little houses we stopped at in the village, the young boy that did the informational talk (he tried so hard to do and say everything just right, bless his heart) said in his final words to us, "God bless."  Awww.  That blessed me so much.

Alaskan native dancing.  Very different, but very graceful and delightful.

They used totem poles to tell stories or to record their traditions since there was no written language.

The drive from Anchorage to Seward was absolutely breathtaking! Be sure to check out Paul's pictures in the link to the right for more pictures.

Again, we were tired when we got to our final destination for the day,
 but this view awaited us from our hotel balcony.  So worth it!

Tomorrow we leave from the harbor for a six hour cruise.  Yep, I've got lots of Dramamine. 

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