Thursday, May 28, 2015

Gillette, WY, to Sioux City, SD

Wow! What a day!  Paul and I were very ambitious in our sightseeing today, but we were determined to see some things we've seen before but wanted to see again. We also saw some things we hadn't seen before.  I took almost 500 pictures today, and Paul only had to delete about 30 of them for being blurred.  So, I'm only going to give you a sampling here and ask that you go to the link over to the right and see the others (not all 400 & some).  (grin!)

Places we've been before:  Mount Rushmore and the Badlands.

Places we haven't seen before:  Devil's Tower and Bear Country, USA.

Tomorrow, we're headed for St. Peters, Missouri.  Keep those prayers going.  
Three more days and we're home!

(Paul's having trouble getting the pictures to download, so they may not be there until later.)

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