Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lake Louise Lodge near Glennallen,AK

It seems like the hardest places to get to are sometimes the most beautiful.  I was actually awake long enough to capture this beautiful sunset here at Lake Louise.  These was taken around 11:00 p.m.

Views of the lodge from the outside.  Can you see how dirty our truck is?

This is the lakefront view.

Paul took these while we were on our walk.  I seemed to have found a friend. 
 At least I could pet this one.  Her name is Sophie.

Nice rides, huh?

The inside of the lodge's restaurant.  We had our own table overlooking the lake.

 This is a very beautiful lodge, and we had a nice day of rest and exploring.  (By the way, the lodge is for sale.  Paul says that all the kids could have their own rooms with private baths.)
Tomorrow's our last day in Alaska, and we're a little sad about that.  
But Canada has more beauties for us to see on the way back through.

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