Saturday, May 16, 2015

Fairbanks to McKinley View Bed & Breakfast

Today started out a little differently.  Cloudy, windy, and a little colder.  Still beautiful!

Denali National Park covers six million acres. Nope, don't plan on riding that far today!  The park covers about 4.7 million acres, and the preserve covers the rest, all of which is federally owned.  The Denali Range is 600 miles long.  The drive in, if it were all open, is 91 miles.  

Reindeer in Denali.

Look!  It's Comet!

 Yes, dirt roads in Denali.  Speed limit between 20 and 30 mph.  The park just opened today but only for 30 miles in.  So it took two hours to ride up and back.  It wasn't exactly what I expected, but it was still BIG! Beautiful, but I excepted to see more snow on the mountains.  I heard that for the last two years the winters have been mild up here, though.

These next pictures were not in the park.  These were taken on the ride to our 
Bed & Breakfast for the night.

Now this is major road construction!  There were several sections of road where we had to sit and wait for one lane traffic, which made the road time seem even longer.

The scenery was still beautiful though.

McKinley View Bed & Breakfast, our home for the night.  The owner is very nice.  She came out to meet us as we got out of the truck.  Our room is in back with a view of Mt. McKinley, the highest mountain in North America.  We'll try to get pictures of that tomorrow.  We're taking a day off from riding for a rest day.  Night, all.

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