Saturday, May 2, 2015

Arcata, CA to Redmond, OR

Another beautiful drive today!  We rode the Redwood Highway which didn't disappoint us at all.  The only thing disappointing was that I couldn't get good pictures because of the clouds and mist.  But it was still beautiful.

The dogwoods are just blooming up here.

The Pacific Shoreline is as beautiful as well.  This morning, though, there was a cold mist blowing in from the ocean.  We didn't mind--not for a little while at least.

  We were told Elk Meadow was always full of elk.  Well, it must have been too cold for them this morning because we only saw two small groups.

 They were very welcoming and didn't mind us a bit.

He was certainly checking us out, though!

As we crossed over into Oregon, the scenery began to change a little.  We were still in the redwoods for awhile, and then it started thinning out and had more pine trees.  Not like our pine trees, though.  Much taller.  You can see the mountains up ahead of us in this picture.  A long way to go still.

Soon the Cascades came into view.  Beautiful!

Another long way, but it was well worth the time on the road.  We're finally at our time share where we'll spend the next six days.  We've traveled 4,000 miles so far.  Still quite a few to go.  
        A welcomed sight! Another time of rest from our long days on the road.                                      
    (Don't forget to click on the link
 to the right to see more pictures. 
 "Second picture group/ Current Pictures) 

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