Saturday, May 23, 2015

Whitehorse, Yukon to Toad's Rivers, BC

We left Whitehorse before the town was up, at least it seemed that way.  The Royal Canadian Mounted Police met us on the way out.  (Not really, it was just the first building we saw that was photo worthy.)

The road conditions were much improved today.  I wasn't as tired when we got to our cabin this afternoon, and I realized it was partly due to the better roads.  I was so tired yesterday; I felt like someone had beaten me up.
The M'Clintock River was so calm as we left Whitehorse.  A wonderful way for our day to begin. 

Our day was filled with wildlife!  Our first bear sighting!  He was itchy and needed to scratch his back. He didn't seem to mind that we were looking.  

Our second bear sighting.  He was taking time to smell the flowers.  No, wait, the flowers are his breakfast!  We missed a photo of the third bear.  He wasn't interested in waiting for his picture to be taken.  

Our forth bear sighting! These bears were't as scary as the grizzlies!  I was in the truck this time.  Speaking of the truck . . .

Paul and I made a hasty judgment when we reached Canada and saw how dirty everyone's cars and trucks were.  We had the truck washed in Redmond, Oregon, and it was still shiny and clean.  We thought, "Don't they have car washes in Canada?"  Well, did we ever learn a lesson we thought we had learned a long time ago, not to make hasty judgments.  Our truck now:

I've seen bumper stickers in a lot of the little stores up here that read, "I drove the Alaskan Highway."  Well, we don't need a sticker.  This truck definitely says it without one!  We can't wait to get it washed, but it wouldn't do much good right now.  Besides, we fit right in now.

We also saw LOTS  of bison or buffalo, whichever you prefer calling them.  
Some of these guys were huge! 

 This looked like a whole herd.  We couldn't get them all in the picture.
 This is a mama and her baby.  The babies are called cinnamons.  So cute. We did see some elk along the way, too, but they were too fast for photos. 

Our drive was amazing today.  You guys might get tired of hearing this word, but they're are very few words to describe how wonderful God's many creations are.  These are just a few of my favorites. I love how the reflections show up in the water.  Paul has many more in the link to the right.  Most of these here were taken around Muncho Lake.

The water was SO cold!  And yes, I did wade in a ways.  Paul is always right!  He said, "Don't go too far.  It drops right off."  Well, of course, it did.  I had to wait for him to come pull me back out.  I was afraid to move without him.  I just love him!

This looked very intimidating when we got around Toad's River, but again, it was a controlled burn.
 Our last wildlife sighting of the day, besides some ducks that were playing near this big guy.  He was across the lake from where we our cabin in located.
 Paul got bored after we got here and missed home so much that he decided he'd chop some wood for them.  Ha Ha!  (wrong!)

It is so beautiful here, just a little stop off along the Alaskan Highway, but a very popular place.  I understand why.  Night, all.  

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