Monday, May 25, 2015

Fort St. John, BC, to Leduc, Alberta, CA

Driving, driving, driving.  Homeward bound!
That's what most of our days will consist of now.  Driving diagonally across the US to Bear Grass.  We'll cross the Canadian/United States border in Sweet Grass, Montana, tomorrow around noon.  On Wednesday we have to allow enough time to get the oil changed in the truck for the second time since being on this trip.  We're planning on taking time Thursday to revisit Mount Rushmore and the Badlands.  Driving for hours and hours without stopping for any length of time can get very tiring. 

Not long out of Fort St. John there was a drastic change in the scenery.

 Beautiful, but I miss the mountains that have been our steady companions the last several weeks.

The road was LONG and straight.  Miles and miles and miles of this road.

Nothing changed about road construction, though.  There's been road construction every where we've been.  Paul asked, "How in the world did they get our itinerary?"

Today's churches.

                                                                 And barns.

And one more look at refreshing water just before coming into Edmonton, Alberta.

We're staying in Leduc, a small town on the outskirts of Edmonton for tonight.

Oh, and one more thing before I go.  Paul informed me that the sheep from yesterday were "bighorn" sheep, not long-horned.  I must have thought we were still in Texas!  So, now for one more look at this beautiful BIGHORN face.  (grin!)

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