Wednesday, June 20, 2018

A Day at Toad River (Post # 15)

June 16, 2018
        Today was a day we put into our schedule to just sit at this beautiful place and rest our bodies and our minds from the long days of being on the road—a day to recharge our batteries, so to speak, for the days ahead.  Instead, it was a day of mourning—a day to try to process the sad news we received last night that a close family member that we loved dearly had passed away suddenly. Such deep sadness and pain!  Just trying to process all this.  Trying to figure out how we could get home—being so deeply inside the wilderness of Canada nowhere remotely close to a town big enough that has an airport.  Thousands of miles from home so we can’t just turn around and go back.  It’s taken us three weeks to get this far.  My mind keeps trying to process it all, while my heart breaks. 

Our devotion yesterday morning was about casting your care on the Lord.  I MUST cast all this care on Him.  I cannot keep it because it is just too much to bear.  The only thing I can do is trust God to take care of every family member and every circumstance that arises during this tragedy.  When my heart wants to cry out, I have to, once again, cast my care on God—because He is the only One Who can do anything about anything.  I have to totally rely on what HE can do and not on what I can do.  All I can do is pray for my family.  This is just so hard, and I feel so helpless. But God is stronger than my feelings.  I will put my faith and trust in Him to help us deal with such loss and pain. He is our Comforter, our Provider, our Helper, and our Strengthener. 
This picture reminds me of Jesus' words in Mark 4 when He calmed the storm, "Peace, be still." 
I must quiet my heart and know that He is God.

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