Saturday, June 9, 2018

Grand Tetons and Yellowstone (Post # 8)

Keep movin', movin', movin'.  That was a phrase in a theme song for a popular TV program when Paul and I were growing up.  Who remembers it and what TV program was it?  Post in the comments if you know.  Well, that's what Paul and I are doing.  Trucking on!  We're driving through Wyoming to Jackson Hole first. We were here several years ago and did the dining and shopping thing, so this time we only stopped long enough to walk around the square.

  Then it was on to the Grand Teton National Park.  And these mountains are indeed grand!


 First, let me say that Yellowstone was just as beautiful as ever.  BUT!  Do not go to Yellowstone in the summer if you can avoid it, unless you like crowds.  Paul and I, not so much!   But the beauty of the place helps to make up for it.  Yes, this is snow on the mountain beside the road as we were driving in.

Old Faithful is still faithful.  It was only about ten minutes later erupting than the predicted time.  Paul has some more pictures on the link at the top right.

 Seven years ago almost to the very day, Autumn and Charity came along on a cross country road trip with us and this is our group photo at Old Faithful from that trip.  Good memories!

And, of course, as par for the course for us, there was road construction in Yellowstone, too!  This was about the worst we've seen though.  It took us almost two hours to drive 20 miles, with stopping for the construction and for people who wanted to stop in the middle of the road to take pictures!

We were very glad to see this sign in Gardiner, MT, our stopping place for two nights.  

This is the view out the back of the RV, and I am enjoying knitting beside the river running down below us. It sounds so peaceful and relaxing.


                                               The view from the front of the RV.

We were intending to sit still for the day, but we decided to go into town for lunch.  Our lunch at the Cowboy Cafe was good and the afternoon was very restful.

1 comment:

  1. Aw! Sweet memories! Seems like it was longer than 7 years tho! ❤️
