Friday, June 22, 2018

Haines, Alaska (Post # 19)

June 20-21, 2018

 Haines, Alaska is a much quieter town than Skagway, even with a cruise ship in its docks.  There are many totem poles here.  This one is downtown close to all the shops.  And speaking of shops, yes, they had a yarn shop, and yes, I bought more yarn.  (grin)

 I just had to add this one--it was so funny to me when I saw it.  That huge hammer is at the entrance to the hammer museum and Paul just happened to get part of my head in the shot.  It looks like I've got a hammer growing out of my head.  Maybe I act like that sometimes?  Don't answer that!  There were over 2000 hammers in this museum and none of them alike.  Be sure to check out Paul's extra pictures in the More Photos link.  There was one picture on the wall in this museum that was so funny.

The cruise ship that was docked there.

On our ride to Chilkat State Park, about ten miles from town on Mud Bay Road, we saw an eagle sitting in the water.  This place is famous for its number of American bald eagles.

 This is one of two glaciers that are located in this park, Davidson and Rainbow glaciers.  I'm not sure which one is which.

Yes, the road was that steep and very, very rough.  I must say, though, that Paul is such a good driver. All those years of driving a big cable bucket truck was good practice for driving this rig.

This totem pole was in Chilkoot State Park.   The two pictures on the right are of a weir.  This is where they count the salmon as they swim upstream during spawning season.  The bears usually frequent this spot a lot to catch the salmon, but we didn't see any.  The salmon aren't running right now--too early in the season.

Another rough road, but well worth the ride.

 Paul got a great shot of an American bald eagle.

And just so you know that I take pictures of something other than mountains, Alaska has beautiful flowers, too.    
The love of my life!  I'm so thankful for this man.  

Heading towards Fairbanks through Tok, Alaska, tomorrow, but we'll have to cross back into Canada first.  We'll find a provincial park to spend the night, not really sure just where yet, and enter Alaska again on Saturday at Beaver Creek in the Yukon.  
My heart, thoughts, and prayers continue to be with my family back home.  I love you all.

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