Monday, June 11, 2018

Crossing the Canadian Border (Post # 10)

This is always a good beginning, whether it's the beginning of your day 
or the beginning of a blog post:  

The rest of the drive through Montana today was as beautiful as yesterday.   

 We had to stop at the post office in Eureka before crossing the border and look what was right beside it!  Paul always makes a big to-do about not stopping, but he always makes sure I get to visit some local yarn shops.  And this one was so convenient!  And yes, I did!

We were very prepared to go through customs with the RV.  We made sure we'd looked up all the rules and regulations.  There are certain foods and other things you cannot take into Canada.  We were expecting to be searched because some friends of ours said one of their crossings was a nightmare--that the border guards had ransacked their RV.  We were only asked a few questions after presenting our passports, and we were allowed to go on our way.  We were so thankful that everything went so smoothly.

We've been to British Columbia before but not through this portal in Roosville, BC.

British Columbia, Canada is just beautiful!

A bald eagle!

These three are of our lunch "view" (View). This pun was intended!  Lol!  We always seem to find such beautiful spots to have lunch.

A quaint little church.

Our spot for two nights, right on Sinclair Creek.  We are literally about two feet from rushing water.  I just love it!  

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