Sunday, June 10, 2018

Gardiner, MT, to Coram, MT (Post # 9)

And we have a winner of the trivia quiz from yesterday's post!!! Yes, that was a line from the theme song for Rawhide!  Thanks, Buddy, for playing along.  By the way, any of you can email comments if you'd prefer instead of leaving a comment on the blog.  We'd love to hear from you either way.

It was a cool, crisp morning as we unhooked from our RV site by the Yellowstone River.  I had on long sleeves but Paul was still comfortable in his short sleeves.  I point this out for a particular reason that will be revealed later.

The camera couldn't quite capture the sun's rays as they broke out from behind that cloud and descended over the mountain top.  It's almost as if God is saying, "Good morning, my children."

Low-lying clouds.

If you've followed my blogs before, you know I have a thing for old barns.  Can't you just imagine people from long ago working this ranch? (Or maybe not so long ago.) 

Ah, meadows!  So many different colors in one place.  And snow on the mountain tops.  Just lovely.

Look at this little barn (or maybe just a shack) tucked in behind that mountain down by the water.

Imagine living and working here through the long Montana winters.  

 Snow on the mountains. 

Our lunch spot for the day overlooking Summit Lake.

We heard loons calling to each other.

More old barns.  The red one on the left looks like it has a started face, or maybe it's embarrassed!  LOL

This one below makes me want to go poking around and see what's there.  Maybe it's the country girl in me.

Just beautiful!

Churches and church steeples are another favorite of mine.  This one with the mountain in the background is especially pretty to me.

This must be God's country because there are a lot of this type of signs around here. LOVE IT!

Our resting place for tonight in Coram, MT.

Now look at what Paul is wearing. 
Yes, that is hail hitting him on the back!
And that is hail all over the ground.  Such a change from this morning.  

It's been a long but good day. 

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