Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Hiking in Canyon Lands National Park (Post # 5)

We started out even earlier today because we had about a 25-mile drive to get to Canyon Lands National Park.  The “lay-of-the-land” on this drive is similar to Arches but also very different.


And the name Canyon Lands fits it very well.  It reminds us a lot of the Grand Canyon in Arizona but on a much smaller scale. There’s nothing small about this place, though. 

Our first hike was to Upheaval Dome.  This was only a mile hike but it was tough none-the-less.  It was very uphill and we had to scramble over some big boulders to get to the lookout.  

You can see it better in this picture.  It said on the information board that scientist don't really know what caused this Upheaval Dome to form.  Really?  God can create things just the way He wants to!

Our next hike was to the Grand View Lookout.  This was a two-mile hike.  Some parts were easy and some required a lot of climbing up highly elevated steps.  The views were magnificent!

 It's a long way down!  Paul is at the very top in the picture below.  I didn't go quite that high up!

Make sure to click on More Photos to the right of this blog to see more pictures that Paul posted.  This is beautiful country.

Our next stop was Horseshoe Point State Park.  Right in the middle of that U-shape which is the Colorado River is a flat area of the mesa called the point.  The point was once used as a corral for wild mustangs roaming the mesa.  Cowboys rounded up these horses and herded them across the narrow neck of land and onto the point.  They then fenced off the neck of the point with branches and brush, creating a natural corral surrounded by steep cliffs.  The cowboys then chose only the horses they wanted and left the other horses there, still corralled on the waterless point where they died of thirst within view of the Colorado River, 2,000 feet below.  At least this is how the legend goes. 
We only walked around the rim of this overlook, no hiking.  I was done by this point.  
No pun intended.  Lol

Truly, God's country!

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