Thursday, June 21, 2018

Conrad Historical Park, YK to Haines, AK (Post # 18)

June 19, 2018

Another beautiful day and an amazing drive from such a restful camping spot in Conrad Historical Park in Canada to Skagway, Alaska and then on to Haines, Alaska.  

Somewhere along here we left the Yukon and entered British Columbia again.

 There are a lot of these smaller waterfalls running from the top of the mountains.

 Another smooth border crossing, this time from British Columbia, Canada, 
to Skagway, Alaska, USA.  We went downtown Skagway while we were waiting for the time to board our ferry.   Paul put some of those pictures in the More Photos link so I won't put any here.  It wasn't my favorite place--too many people.  You'll see why in a minute.  Skagway did have a very nice quilt shop AND a yarn shop.  Now that's my kind of shopping.  And, yes I did buy something in both stores.  We had lunch in a little cafe that had outside seating.  It was so interesting sitting there and watching all the different nationalities of people.

We had to be at the ferry terminal about two hours ahead of time, but I didn't mind.  I'd much rather sit in the RV and knit to pass the time than to be in that crowd downtown too long.  When we went inside the terminal to check in we saw a puzzle someone had put out on one of the tables for passengers while they waited.  So Paul spent his wait time there.  When he got back he asked me to guess what the puzzle was.  I couldn't, of course, so he said, "It was Mischief at Midnight.  It was of cats in a knit shop at night with all the balls of yarn around to play with."  Now that's funny to me.  Poor man.  He can't get away from yarn no matter where he goes. 

This was our ride across the water from Skagway to Haines.  Nice, huh?  

Just kidding!  This one below was our ride.  Still nice, though.  The ship above was just one of FOUR docked there.  Now you know why there were so many people in downtown Skagway.  And Skagway isn't that large!  Yes, give me some yarn and let me wait patiently in the RV, thank you.

Looking back at the cruise skips after we left the docks.  
The fourth one is hidden behind one of the others.

I have to stay outside on ferries, even if it's cold.  I get sick otherwise.  But as long as the wind is in my face, I'm alright.  And there is definitely wind in my face.

Beautiful waterfalls!

 And finally to Haines, Alaska. The next two days will be spent seeing the sights around Haines, visiting some museums, and checking out the shops downtown.  And, of course, resting up for the next leg of our journey.

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