Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Charlie Lake to Toad River (Post # 14)

This was our spot at Charlie Lake RV Park.  Some parks make a lot of effort to carve out a little bit of a tended garden in all the wilderness that surrounds them.  Others, not so much.  But even in the wilderness, it is so beautiful here.

 Ok, so yesterday I thought this was such a bad idea.  But evidently it is an acceptable method of transporting 4-wheelers out here.  At first I thought this was the same truck we saw yesterday, but no, that one was a Dodge; this one is a Ford.

Long, long roads again today.

Church with its steeple standing out so boldly against a background of green.

Found this little gem on a backroad.  Evidently they are used to RV-ers because they provide a space big enough to park and turn around.  This is one thing we have to watch out for--if we can get in and out without too much trouble or doing damage to the rig.  And, yes, I bought some fabric with which to line a bag I finished knitting while on the road.  I had to pull out my hand sewing skills to do this with, but I got it done.

More beautiful  scenery.

A baby moose.

Almost to Toad River, one of our favorite stops.

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