Sunday, June 3, 2018

Finally Heading Northwest (Post # 3)

One of the highlights of going through Amarillo is seeing all the cows!  I hope you read the sarcasm in that statement.  We keep a little bottle of air freshener in the glove compartment for just this occasion.  The wind was blowing very hard in the other direction this time so we didn’t have to use it on this trip like we have all the trips before.  (Thank you, Autumn, for that little bottle!)
(Look closely.  There's hundreds of cows in this picture.)

Now these cows and horses I’d much prefer to see and smell.  This is the Texas to remember. 

New Mexico.  

It’s amazing how the landscape can change so quickly.  It’s a very nice drive through here.  We finally turned off I40 West and headed northwest.  

Later we stopped at a turnout overlooking a mesa and had lunch in the RV.  It’s so nice to be able to do this, so much healthier than eating out all the time.  

We got to Santa Fe Skies RV Park and checked in and then went into
Santa Fe to do a little shopping.  It’s much cooler here than in Amarillo.  I was able to sit outside in the shade and knit for a while.  The breeze made it so enjoyable, until it blew my yarn away.  I was quick to run after it though.  I had to go in after that because the wind picked up even more—so much, in fact, that I had trouble getting into the RV. The wind blew like that all night long. 

We left earlier than usual in the morning headed for Moab, Utah. The sky was so beautiful.  I had convinced Paul we needed to do something a little special for his birthday today and needed to allow extra time for it.


We stopped at a small and quaint café in Cuba, NM, for breakfast.  All around the room were shelves with toy trucks that had been given to the owners by truckers that had eaten there on their way through town. The owner was very friendly and showed us her special dining room with her collection of John Wayne pictures that different people had given her over the years.  She also told us the story of how Julia Roberts had visited their café in 2015.
She said, “This woman and her husband came in late for lunch, after 2:00.  She had on a big jacket with a hood on it and she wore big sunglasses.  They came in, looked all around, went and looked at my John Wayne room and then left again. There was only one other couple in the café at the time.  In a few minutes they came back in with the whole family and one other man and went into the John Wayne room.  I thought I recognized her and asked, ‘Are you Julia Roberts?’  She said yes, and I asked her if I could have her autograph.  She agreed but said I couldn’t take her picture because she looked bad.  She’d been up on our mountain camping with her family.  I guessed the man with them was her bodyguard.” 
What a neat story!  This little lady was so personable.  We could have stayed and talked some more, but she had to go buy grits, and we had to hit the road.


                                                       Happy birthday, Honey!

                This rock formation is called Shiprock.  It's out in the middle of nowhere.
                                 It's near a town called . . . you guessed it!  Shiprock!

                          The drive on through Colorado to Moab was so beautiful!  

Paul and I have seen a lot of this United States, but we are always amazed at the wonder of God’s creation. Pictures just don’t do it justice.  I guess that’s why we like traveling so much.  We never tire of seeing all this beauty.

We had an extra long day of driving today, over 400 miles.  We're staying here for a couple of days and seeing some areas we didn't see up close and personal the last time we were here.  That means hiking!  Yay!  We hiked up to Delicate Arch the last trip here so we probably won't do that one again because of time.  We're so looking forward to it!

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