Thursday, June 28, 2018

A Day in Denali National Park (Post # 22)

June 27-28
Our day to go 85 miles into Denali National Park and Preserve was as beautiful as it could get.  Our bus driver called it a stellar day, meaning Denali was putting on its best performance for us.  

                 We saw our first moose not long after we left the visitor's center. 

Denali (which used to be called Mt. McKinley) was "booming".  Our driver said that's what they say when there is no cloud cover and all of Denali is visible.  I guess that's a good word because it surely is "booming" above the other mountains, especially all covered with snow.

 Look closely at the narrow strip of white about middle way of this picture.  That's the road we're on.  And, yes, that is a steep drop off!  The road was like this much of the way.

Caribou! (I always think of Polar Express when I say that word.)

I love this one!

This is a quilt hanging in the Eielson Visitor Center at mile 66.  Right beside this display was a whiteboard that read, "If you could title a book from your experience in Denali, what would it be?"  There were several sticky notes on the board already and one person had put "God is so good."  So I added my sticky note to those already there.  I put "Our God is an Awesome God"!  And YES HE IS!

It is very windy and cold here at this visitors' center but at least it has nice bathrooms.

There were only a few restroom stops along this 85 mile trek and I visited every one of them, even if they were just port-a-johns!  The RV has certainly spoiled me by not having to use public restrooms, but when you gotta, you gotta!

The clouds rolling in over the tops of these mountains look like waterfalls.

Another moose.

I'm squishing the soft tundra.  That's what our bus driver told us to do!  And it was very squishy!

Our 85 miles ended here.  They need to rename it "Mosquito Lake"!

The south side of Denali.  We drove a long way to see this side of it.

A mama grizzly and her two cubs.

Two more grizzlies.  We saw a total of six.  We also saw some wolves off in the distance.

A red fox right beside the road.

Today has been a rest day for us here at Denali RV Park.  It's been cloudy most of the day and cool. Yesterday was a long day--twelve hours in Denali and most of it was riding with a bus full of people. I was glad for the solitude today.

Our view out the front of the RV.

Our view out the left side of the RV.  We can see this from our window if there's no RV right beside us.  I had to take this one from outside, though.  This RV park stays close to full all the time.  

This is the view out the right side of the RV, looking up over the other RVs. 

 We've enjoyed our four days here, but it's time to hit the road again tomorrow.  We're going to stop at the Denali Visitors' Center first and watch their dog sled show.  
Then it's on to Talkeetna and and Mat Su Valley.

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