Monday, June 25, 2018

From Haines, AK, to Congdon Creek, YK, to Tok, AK (Post # 20)

June 22-23
We haven't had internet for a few days because we've been camping in provincial parks where we have been dry camping, which means we have no hook-ups for water, sewer, or electric, and of course, no internet. So this post is a "catch-up" post.  Driving from Haines to Congdon Creek was so gorgeous.  It reminded us somewhat of the drive from Anchorage to Seward.  Beauty abounds here!

No matter where we go, though, there is always the inevitable road construction.  Paul has taken up the saying, "We must be going in the right direction." That means we've just passed a sign that reads road construction ahead. We talked to a young lady holding the stop sign while we were waiting to pass through this section.  She said they only had about four to five months out of the year to work on the roads.  This section is not on the Alcan.  If repairs aren't done consistently on the Alcan when the weather is good, it would be impassable in a lot of areas.

              I snapped this picture thinking it was a wild animal, but it was "just" a dog.  But what we didn't see at first was what this dog was doing.  As we got along beside him, we saw there were several goats  there eating along the side of the path.  This dog was guarding them so they wouldn't get in the road. I know this sounds a little far-fetched, but from his actions that was exactly what he was doing. Good dog!

This is the only bear we saw today.  He was heading across the road in the other direction, but when he saw us coming he high-tailed it back across the road.  Smart bear!

We stopped at Haines Junction Visitor's Center to use their Wifi to call home.  It was a hard day for us because we couldn't be there to say goodbye to our nephew, but I'm sure he knows how much we loved him.  I'm sure it was a hard day for my family at home, too.

 Such magnificent displays of the glory of God!

An ongoing battle between the bugs and the windshield.

Read the sign at the left carefully.  We didn't know ahead of time that we were going to stay here.  We decided to go on further down the road before we stopped for the night.   When I read this my first thought was, "I'm glad Autumn and Charity didn't know about this."

Our camping spot was beautiful, but we did keep a sharp lookout for grizzlies.

And we carried bear spray everywhere we went.

Our campsite and our view.

 The next morning after we left the park, just about a mile down the road we spotted this huge fellow on a hillside.  You really can't tell the size of this guy in the picture.  I was glad he didn't show up last night at our camping spot.

This is his habitat.

Another couple of miles further we came up on this one right beside the road.  Paul had to pull over into the oncoming traffic lane to keep from getting too close.  (And no, no one was coming in the other land.)  I rolled down my window, and he looked right at me. 

 Then he decided to run along side the rig with us for a little while.  When we pulled on ahead of him, we looked in the rearview mirror and he was crossing the road. 
 Yep, more road construction.

Look at those storm clouds!  It's been cloudy all day. 

This picture is for my family members who like to bike. (You know who you are.)  We've met many of these bikers, (not motorcycles, bikes!) men and women, pedaling up tough hills and through the rain. I'm sure they pedal faster when they come across grizzlies like we just did!

I don't remember all these purple flowers that are growing everywhere the last time we came to Alaska, but we did come earlier in the year last time.  They are so pretty!

No provincial park tonight for us tonight.  We stayed at Sourdough Campground in Tok, Alaska. They did have hookups but not enough Wifi signal for me to get online to write the blog.

Next stop, the North Pole and Fairbanks, Alaska!

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