Thursday, June 14, 2018

Stony Plain, AB, through Dawson City to Charlie Lake, BC (Post # 13)

Long, long roads!  Are we there yet????
It seems like it is taking us forever to even get to the Alcan!  
That's what the Alaskan Highway is called.  
I'm sharing just a few sights we saw along this long road on this long day.

Now this is definitely a bold support for Breast Cancer Awareness!  Love it!

And for all you Minion fans!
Finally!!  Dawson Creek and the beginning of the Alaskan Highway!  
It's hard to believe we were here just three years ago!  

Mile Marker One and the official beginning of the Alaskan Highway.

We took a little detour onto a section of original Alaska Highway to see this bridge a lady told us about when we were at lunch today.  It is called Kiskatinaw Curved Bridge.  It is a curved, timber-truss structure built in 1942-43, and if I remember what she said correctly, it's the oldest wooden bridge still in use.

Brandon and Jacob, this one is for you.  I thought you'd like to see how NOT to haul four-wheelers!
Our stop for the night.  A very welcomed sight! 

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